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Have room in your heart and life for a furry one but can’t make a life-long commitment?
Want your involvement with Sandbach Animal Rescue Society to be more hands when dealing with cats?
Maybe foster care is a good option for you! By fostering you are helping out SARS and our cats in a huge way. Fostering allows you to take care of a cat at your home for an extended period of time until he or she can find their furrever home.
You will not only help us by freeing up a pen for another cat in need, but you will be key in finding a loving home for a potential SARS Graduate.
Being in the rescue can be difficult, some cats handle it better than others. Unfortunately for the ones that have a harder time during this transition period, the tolls of their anxiety show through their behaviour. And they often become overlooked when being considered for adoption. They display shyness, nervousness and what would normally be seen as bad behaviour in a cat.
Being in a nurturing foster home will help them through training and comfort and will allow them to be seen as they are meant to be… the best cat ever!
What makes a great fosterer?
We’re looking for volunteers who can offer temporary foster homes for cats and kittens of all different ages. Ideally, you’ll be able to offer them whole house access.
Some foster cats may have medical issues. For cats with FIV, homes in rural areas where there are few cats around are extremely beneficial.
We often need fosterers to care for our cats that have behavioural issues, ones who need a quieter environment from the rescue or more consistent cuddles and love. Our supportive team of volunteers are on hand to help to deliver advice and to meet the needs of the cat in your temporary care.